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External Identity Providers

Medplum supports external identity providers such as Auth0 and AWS Cognito for end user authentication. This is sometimes known as "Federated Identities".


Medplum provides built-in first party integration with Google and Okta. See those pages for more details.

Auth flow

When an end user authenticates with your client-side web application, we will use the following authentication flow:

External identity providers flow

Click to enlarge

Example repo

Medplum provides a minimal example application which demonstrates using Auth0 as an external identity provider. The example is approximately 100 lines of TypeScript code, and can be used as a starting point for any standard OAuth2/OpenID identity provider.


Setup your external authentication provider (Auth0, AWS Cognito, Okta, etc). Use "" as the "redirect URI". Note the following details:

  • Authorize URL
  • Token URL
  • UserInfo URL
  • Client ID
  • Client secret

Setup your Medplum account:

  • Register for a Medplum account
  • Create a ClientApplication
  • Set the "Redirect URI" to "http://localhost:8000/"
  • Add an external identity provider with the details from above

Start the flow

The MedplumClient TypeScript class provides a signInWithExternalAuth convenience method:

// The login button handler
// The user can click this button to initiate the OAuth flow
$('login').addEventListener('click', () =>

Handle the code

When the external identity provider flow redirects back to your web application, it will include a code query parameter. This code can be exchanged for a Medplum access token.

The MedplumClient TypeScript class provides a processCode convenience method:

// The code check
// If the current URL includes a "code" query string param, then we can exchange it for a token
const code = new URLSearchParams('code');
if (code) {
// Process the code
// On success, remove the query string parameters
.then(() => (window.location.href = window.location.href.split('?')[0]))

After the code is processed, the Medplum access token will be stored in the browser's local storage. The MedplumClient will automatically use the access token for all subsequent API calls.